
预告|Performance Incentives and Competition in Healthcare Markets

浙大AIF 2022-05-10






“Performance Incentives and Competition in Healthcare Markets”



Houyuan Jiang, Judge Business School, University of Cambridge




Our paper investigates the effects of introducing performance-based incentives in a competitive healthcare market. We consider a market in which a payer applies a performance-based compensation contract to two competing hospitals. We use G/G/m queueing dynamics to describe the patient care process and include information asymmetry between the payer and hospitals regarding the hospital operating costs.


Our paper is the first to study the performance-based contracting problem in a healthcare market in the presence of competition on both the quality of and the access to care and the cost information asymmetry between the payer and care providers. We analyze the socially optimal and Nash equilibrium outcomes under bonus compensation where each of the competing hospitals is rewarded based on patient benefits delivered at that hospital.


We show that both the stronger competition among hospitals and the introduction of bonus incentives can enhance patient benefits. Furthermore, we demonstrate that, in the presence of information asymmetry between the payer and the hospitals regarding hospitals' operating costs, the social welfare loss generated by the fee-for-service compensation as well as by the optimal bonus contract can be partially mitigated by

increasing the degree of competition for patients. Finally, we derive closed-form expressions for the social welfare gap generated by a heuristic contract that may offer a practical alternative in settings where the strength of competition is hard to estimate. We show that the heuristic contract may outperform the optimal bonus contract from the social planner's perspective.


Dr Houyuan Jiang is University Reader (Associate Professor) in Management Science at Judge Business School, University of Cambridge. He teaches courses related to quantitative techniques, business analytics, mathematical modelling, and operations management.


His current research interests include healthcare operations, supply chain management and revenue management, for which he builds mathematical models, uncovers managerial insights, and develops computational methods. Previously, Dr Jiang was a Senior Research Scientist at the Commonwealth Scientific & Industrial Research Organizations (CSIRO) in Australia, where he undertook research in combinatorial optimization and consultancy in applied operations research and management science.


He is a member of the Institute of Operations Research and Management Science (INFORMS).  He has published in Management Science, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, Operations Research, Production and Operations Management and a number of leading optimization journals. He has been or was an editorial board member of Computational Management Science, International Journal of Revenue Management, Numerical Algebra, Control and Optimization, Operations Research Letters, and Production and Operations Management.



为你祈祷 ——金融科技时代的监管与消费者保护

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